Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Women's breast size correlated with diabetes risk

A recent Canadian study has led a researcher to believe that the size of a woman's breasts is predictive of her risk of developing Type-2 diabetes.

The study, published in the Jan. 29 issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal, found that the larger a woman's bra size at age 20, the higher her risk of developing diabetes later in life.

The risk of developing diabetes was two times higher for a B cup, four times higher for a C cup and five times higher for a D cup or larger than for women who wore A cup sizes.

Some doctors believe that the breast size and diabetes risk is simply reflective of the fact that, in general, the larger the breast size, the more likely it is that a woman is overweight.

But researchers involved in the study believe that the correlation is predictive due to the fact that breast tissue, which is primarily made up of fat, is especially hormone-sensitive, and that the hormone insulin plays a factor.

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