Thursday, April 05, 2007

Nuts! Man sues VA hospital for removal of wrong testicle

A man has brought suit against doctors and a Veterans Administration hospital for removing the wrong testicle, the AP reported.

He seeks $200,000 for future health care and unspecified damages for the June 14, 2006 error which took his right testicle instead of his potentially cancerous, atrophied and painful left one.

The chief of staff for the Greater Los Angeles VA system, Dr. Dean Norman, has said he's sorry about the mix-up.

“We are making every attempt that we can to care for Mr. Houghton, but it’s in litigation, and that’s all we can tell you,” he said.

The hospital has changed its practices since then, he said.

Like, maybe, they now supply patients with black markers so they can write "My left, dummy! Not yours!"

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    that is hillarious.

  2. $200,000 ??? for THIS??? you must be kiddin' me?? no way, just wasting money :D :D :
